Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday Tip for Success: Communication is Key

Communicate.  Seems like a no brainer, right? Some people think communication is easy, but it can really make or break a relationship with a friend, family member, or co-worker. It is vital to learn how to communicate with your fellow co-workers, especially if you are just starting out your career. I'm a public relations major, and we have to communicate constantly with each other and relay that information to our client and then to the media and press, without losing any details or importance. If there is no communication within the company, then communication with a client is out of the question. My philosophy on communication is this: I would rather over communicate than under communicate. Getting 2 emails verifying the address of any event is better than not getting the email at all. And if you are still unsure about something, pick up the phone and ask. We are all so tied up in our laptops and email that we forget that an old-fashion phone call can sometimes be the best. Once the communication is solid within the company you work for, then you can have effective communication with your clients or business partners.
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1 comment:

  1. Haha funny photos, but this is so true! I was at Panera the other day and a couple had their food in front of them, and both were on their cell phones searching the web, and not paying attention to one another. So sad!
